Friday, February 22, 2013

How to setup a Blog in Magento

How to setup a Blog in Magento

It is not hard to setup a blog in Magento. However you should take into account that blog functionality is not included by default and you need to use a custom extension for it. You can search Magento Connect for an extension that will fully suit your needs.
One of the popular free extensions that you can use is the Magento Blog – Community Edition.
All Magento extensions are installed in a similar way that is thoroughly explained in our Magento Tutorial. In order to install the Magento Blog extension get the extension key and enter it in Magento Connect for your website.
After the installation you will have one additional section in the Magento administrative area top menu called Blog. From there you can adjust the newly installed Blog settings, add posts etc.
NB: If you get access denied when trying to access the blog extension for the first time after installation try to log out of the Magento administrative area and then log back in. This should rectify the issue.

How Customer Style Profile makes traffic & sales soar up

Magento blog-Waqar pictureI think Magento wishlist extension proves to be an ideal  extension for customers to enjoy a whole new experience of shopping and share their very own showrooms with the rest of the people.”
Waqar, the owner of

Nice to meet you in Magento blog Interview section. I bet you are curious about our guest this week. Yeah, the topic today is on Customer Style Profile extension and Waqar will go along with us in this talk. Waqar is running an online store of fashion and beauty products from the last 1 and half year. His website is mainly dealing in Bags, Clothes, Shoes, Perfumes, Makeup, Jewelry and other fashion accessories with worldwide shipping.

Earn more money with Store Pickup extension

Hi everyone, nice to meet you in our Magento blog, Interview section!
Magento blog-Store pickup extension-Domonkos
Store Pickup looks like very professional at first sight. And more professional at second.”
Domonkos, the owner of
When there is a chain of stores, customers obviously want to pick up the purchased products at the store which is closest to their location and at appropriate time. How can store-owners make that happen? The answer is Magento Store Pickup extension. Some days ago, I had a small talk with Domonkos from Hungary. He is the owner of a online store selling  ceramics named His website sells hand-made ceramics which are made based on the folklore of his nation.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Magento Tutorial : Why using Magento for Ecommerce?

E-Commerce has exploded over the last decade.  There are many reasons for this “pop”: Internet usage and speed increases. Based on the development of internet, people build Magento as the best solution for online business.
Magento started as a company called Varien back in the 2000s.  The whole reason for its genesis centers around the idea that technology built to help customers shop online had become too proprietary or too disjointed.  The founders believed in the Open Source movement, but the pickings were spread too thin to create a useful cart experience.  With that in mind, they set out to build one cart that lived and breathed the Open Source ideal of having many co-creators but also set out to engender a sense of Enterprise-Level solutions for the real world.
So why do we use Magento?

Models, Resource Models And Collections In Magento

Models, Resource Models And Collections In Magento

All Magento Models inherit from the Mage_Core_Model_Abstract.Magento splits the model layer up into two parts as you’ve recognised, with the Model handling the business-logic, and the Resource part only dealing with talking to the database .The Resource also has two different types one is Entity and other is Mysql4. In this Magento tutorial We will discuss differences between Models, Resource models and Collections in Magento later on.
To build a model with proper collection object in Magento you need 4 things:
1 – model class
2 – resource class
3 – collection class
4 – install script( Mysql4)

How to call a block directly from a .phtml file?

Sometimes you want to call a block inside a .phtml file without defining in layout. In this case, we can use a method called toHtml of a block.
Assume that we have a block called Mymodule and a template that is located at: mymodule/myblog.phtml
So to generate that block we use:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('mymodule/myblock')->setTemplate('mymodule/mybl

How to Import Products in Magento

It is rather inconvenient to manually add a large number of products at once to a Magento installation. Inserting products one by one will take a long time especially when you have hundreds or thousands of products.
In such cases you need an automatic way to add all those products to your Magento online store. We will address all steps you need to take in order to achieve a successful import in this magento tutorial.